How to teach a child to defend his interests

When your child is still small, you defend almost all his interests. You speak on her behalf in kindergarten, tell the doctor about

How to teach a child to defend his interests
Teach the child, self deface, conscious empathy, trustworthy,

Tips for parents that will help teach a child to politely defend his interests and his own opinion

When your child is still small, you defend almost all his interests. You speak on her behalf in kindergarten, tell the doctor about where and what hurts her. Intervene if necessary to help the baby get the right to ride on the swing. However, all children grow up and must eventually learn to stand up for themselves.  Learning how to stand up for yourself will help your child throughout their school and university years. As well as their relationships and successful career development.

Here are some tips to help you teach your child to stand up for their own interests and opinions.

Teach the child to be reliable, sincere, and trustworthy.

Her actions must be in harmony with her feelings. By teaching her the immense importance of values ‹‹and integrity. You will strengthen her inner core and thus her ability to be assertive*.

Explain the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness.

An old proverb says: "It's not what you say. But how you say it" that is important for a correct understanding of defending your opinion. Teaching a child the ability to tactfully and clearly explain his position and his feelings in relation to other people. Without taking a defensive position, allows him to defend his own interests without the need for someone's approval. If your child is worried about how others perceive him, he loses the ability to lead and lead others.

It is very important to teach the child to be what he wants to see himself.

With the help of your own sincere and open interaction with other people, you should set an example every day and teach your child to respect other people's opinion, value it, and then follow the dictates of your conscience and your inner convictions. Life is made up of relationships, so your child's ability to stand up for their interests helps develop the greatest potential for healthy relationships with other people. Show children an example of management skills (planning, organizing work, controlling its execution, using time management, etc.) - this will teach them to protect their own interests without dominating people.

Teach the child to listen carefully and practice empathy (conscious empathy).

Teach her to appreciate the ideas and opinions of other people, not to go to confrontation with them in case of disagreements, and also not to give up her own beliefs. Study groups, sports teams, children's clubs - all these numerous environments can teach your child to protect his own interests without excessive guidance from the side.

Protecting your own interests is one way to take control of your destiny. When your child learns to stand up for himself, he able to fully realize himself and reveal his personal potential to the maximum. The benefits of learning to stand up for yourself are enormous. From the ability to break free from unhealthy relationships to the ability to ask for promotions and move up the career ladder.

Assertiveness is a behavior that combines inner strength and politeness in dealing with others. This is the ability to correctly defend one's interests and one's line of behavior in a situation of external pressure. To calmly say "no" to something that does not suit you, and to continue to effectively insist on one's rights in a socially acceptable form.