What to do if your child refuses to learn?

What to do if your child refuses to learn? First of all, look for the causes of reluctance to learn, and then act. We advise you on how to

What to do if your child refuses to learn?
What to do if your child refuses to learn?

What to do if your child refuses to learn? First of all, look for the causes of reluctance to learn, and then act. We advise you on how to deal with this difficult situation.

What to do if your child refuses to learn? First of all - don't panic! Reluctance to learn does not immediately mean that the child is ignorant, not very intelligent and has difficulty understanding the material. There may be many reasons for the aversion to learning. Here are some possible sources of the problem.

Why doesn't the child want to study?

The lack of motivation to learn most often results from the reluctance to develop habits of systematic learning. Children don't like to learn because they overstate their failures. Learning difficulties may occur, for example, when a child has: developmental dyslexia, problems with concentration, hyperactivity, hyperactivity, or, for example, sight, hearing or speech impediments.

The child may also be reluctant to learn because of problems with peers. Perhaps it is ridiculed in class, harassed, abused, or not accepted. Maybe he has a problem with the teacher who scares them, judges them unfairly, or fails to reach him. In such situations, schooling can be a real trauma.

It is the parent who encourages the child to learn

The child does not approach school properly and does not want to learn, not because he is too lazy or not very intelligent. He learns motivation throughout his childhood and absorbs his parents' behavior like carbon paper. Parents are an authority for a child. He draws models from them, their praise gives him wings. Constant accusations, punishments and commenting on his choices discourage effectively from taking up new challenges. The role of parents is therefore to guide the young person so that he does not get discouraged from learning, everyday duties, colleagues and interests. It cannot be expected that the curiosity of the world will be instilled in a child only at school age. Parents should do it successively from the first moments of their lives in the world, devoting time to their children, reading fairy tales to them, explaining the reality.

It is the parents' responsibility to be vigilant about their child's progress, whether educational, social or emotional. Parents not only send their children to school, but also encourage them to learn, preferably with their example and warm words. Let us teach the child to always give one hundred percent no matter what he does. Let us also cultivate respect for work and the will to be better than we are.

What to do if the child does not want to do homework?

It is worth talking to your child about the lack of motivation to learn. Explain to your child why learning is his / her responsibility. For example, like this: "Everyone has their responsibilities. Darling, you go to school, learn, meet new friends and gain new knowledge, and I go to work. I work hard and always try to give my best. If he did his homework, you will have bad grades, you will feel worse than other peers in the group. If I do not work, we will not have money, for example, to prepare a delicious dinner, and then we will all be hungry ".

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In such a situation, with an older child and adolescents, one should conduct a factual and sincere conversation about his future, his chances of doing what he dreams about. An adolescent young person should independently make decisions about his future and what satisfies him.

Don't do that

  • Don't constantly compare your child this can significantly affect a child's self-esteem and lower their self-esteem.
  • Don't tell your child that if he doesn't learn, he'll never get anything. If you keep repeating this to your child, they will start to think so themselves and lose any motivation to change the situation
  • Don't raise your voice to the baby. You won't get anything done by shouting. You can only stress your toddler and make doing homework a trauma for him
  • Do not use violence. Nothing

What to do when your baby is slow?

  • Let us not require the child to work quickly. If he's doing his homework slowly, maybe that's just what he is. We will not change this. We can only practice concentration with him by doing simple exercises (there are many on the internet).
  • We should also remember that we cannot force a child to learn. Let us not expect him to suddenly become an exemplary student. Even if the parent tells the child to sit on the lessons as long as they do not master the required amount of material, they will not achieve anything. The little boy will only get even more discouraged.
  • How to motivate a child to learn?
  • Show your child that learning can be fun. Take them to an interactive museum, sign up for practical classes in the field that interests them the most. Maybe thanks to this he will understand that science is not just a dry theory
  • Encourage your child to develop in areas of interest
  • Do not require your child to have very good grades in all subjects. If they are interested in nature, they don't have to have a Friday in history. You can't be good at everything!
  • Make sure you have a suitable work space. The place for learning should be separate, calm and quiet. The desk should be kept in order. Encourage your child to clean them regularly - it's much easier to work in a neat environment with everything close at hand
  • Introduce the habit of systematic learning. To do this, introduce a regular schedule of the day where your child will have a predetermined amount of time to do homework, e.g. an hour or two a day. Any pleasures (e.g. going out to friends, swimming pool, cinema) should wait for them later
  • Take care of your student's balanced diet
  • Make sure your baby gets enough sleep

Spend your free time actively outdoors (e.g. on a family bike trip), and not only in front of the TV or computer

Where to go for help

Every child in the process of learning, especially if he or she does not like it, needs support from both parents and teachers. He wants to confirm his choices, to believe that he can cope and that he can be successful like other peers. The main thing is not to give up and always be positive. However, if your child is still not coping and the effects of your actions do not improve the situation, discuss it with the teacher. You can also seek help from a psychologist who will tell you what to do next.

It is worth remembering one more important piece of advice: never use various types of boosters, or worse, boosters during problems resulting from reluctance to learn. It's a road to nowhere.