What does a teacher expect in return for his service to students?

subtraction. Teaching is quite a tough job as it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. teacher expect in return for his service.

What does a teacher expect in return for his service to students?
What does a teacher expect in return for his service to students?

A teacher is one of the most pivotal roles of a student™s early life and follows on till he graduates from university. A teacher is a mentor and a spiritual parent to many issues™ students face at home or elsewhere. A teacher educates children on many things that their parents simply do not tell them about. These might include advanced subjects to simple concepts such as addition or subtraction. Teaching is quite a tough job as it requires a lot of hard work and dedication. teacher expect in return for his service.

In recent years however, students have become less receptive of the teaching career and have not been as appreciative as students of the olden days were. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, teachers nowadays are not as dedicated to studies as older teachers were. This is mainly because teachers nowadays expect mannerisms.

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Moreover, with the rise of social media and the general lack of tolerance within society, the youth have not been understanding and have generally discouraged most teachers from pursuing their career with a passion. Teachers have become condescending nowadays especially with the attitude of the young h and this has created a downward spiral and a negative trend towards the general perception of teachers and the career in general has taken a hit with the lack of respect teachers receive.

Teachers expect a certain degree of respect and commitment from their students as it is the same love respect and commitment, they pour into their work in order to impart something new to their students every day they meet in classes. Students should realize the importance of teachers in the society and should thus learn to respect them the way these educators deserve.

Teachers unlike most professions do not expect much when providing a service, they are not given tips or given a huge salary. It is just the passion for teaching that keeps them going and keeps them happy. Students must understand this passion and at least be respectful to the thoughts and wishes of teachers.