What are computational algorithms?

The computational algorithms they are a sequence of steps designed to perform a specific task. You can also say that they are a set of

What are computational algorithms?
What are computational algorithms?

The computational algorithms they are a sequence of steps designed to perform a specific task. You can also say that they are a set of clear instructions that are programmed into the computer to solve the problem.

Within the computer industry or any science, the algorithm is the basis for creating a methodology with defined and final stages.

Its use is designed to give a general solution to the dilemma, allowing us to use it again and again to get the expected result.

Characteristics of computational algorithms

Proposed by mathematician Turing to bring this concept of mathematics to the field of computer science, the algorithm is a process defined by the following:

  • A limited sequence of steps that are clearly defined and each is independent of the other.
  • An agent (human or non-human) is one that applies each of the stages of the process at a certain time.
  • The agent has the ability to interpret the operating instructions and at the same time store this information.
  • When a specific methodology is implemented, the result will always be the same at each stage and according to the original data.
  • As in any process, it ends with a result.

There are cases when the procedure requires a specific solution and those who do not. Repetitive or irregular algorithms that do not end are very common in calculations.

Examples are operating systems such as Windows, MacOS and Linux, which must continue to function as a platform for other programs and processes.


Both in computer science and in other disciplines, there are 3 types of algorithms, which are: sequential, conditional and repetitive. In addition, there are those that are qualitative (use words) and quantitative (use numerical calculations).

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Some well-known computational algorithms, which are very useful in practice, perform various functions.

Thus, we find the Euclidean algorithm, which is used to divide the Gaussian algorithm for solving linear equations, or the Floyd-Vrashall algorithm, to find the shortest path between weighted graphs.


Algorithms are used in different situations, seek to solve the problem and do not follow the standard procedure.

When it is found that the mechanism solves a specific task quickly and efficiently, its implementation does not require an understanding of how the method works.

A simple example is to follow a recipe for a cake that uses a number of instructions and steps to get it.

In addition, computers are able to solve different types of problems using formulas that have a special language.

In this case, computational algorithms are code written in various ways that can only be understood by a machine.

An important part of this procedure is to turn the idea into a logical sequence that the PC can interpret.

Thus, programmers move from simple to more complex tasks. To do this, they often resort to recipes that others have created to adapt them to what they need to solve.