Useful tips and techniques for easier learning and memorization

develop their skills to memorize and learn a large amount of information. Useful tips and techniques for easier learning and memorization.

Useful tips and techniques for easier learning and memorization
Useful tips and techniques for easier learning and memorization

You are already a student and you have a session and you are required to memorize huge amounts of information. Saving material for one subject can be difficult, but it can even be discouraging when you have multiple subjects or disciplines. Many learners feel that they simply do not have strong enough memory skills. Fortunately, however, anyone can train and develop their skills to memorize and learn a large amount of information. Useful tips and techniques for easier learning and memorization.

Scientists claim that practicing visualization techniques and using memory development tricks allow you to quickly memorize large amounts of information. Research shows that students who use memory improvement techniques perform better than those who do not. Storage techniques help you expand your working memory and access long-term memory. These techniques can allow you to memorize some concepts for years or even a lifetime. Last but not least, these techniques will help you make sense of more complex material.

Easy tips to improve memory

Connect it

Connect the information you are trying to remember to something you already know. Insulated material is more difficult to remember than material that is related to other concepts. If you can't think of a way to connect the information to something you already know, make a non-standard connection. If you need to remember large numbers, divide them into two parts and connect them to something known as a phone number, PIN, a familiar date in history, for example.

Sleep the information

Research studies show that brain processes and stores information while you sleep. Try to review the information just before going to sleep - even if it's only for a few minutes - and - see if it helps to consolidate the information in your memory.

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Test your knowledge yourself by actively recalling the information you are trying to learn. Make sure you memorize the information by questioning yourself - do not reread notes or a textbook. Students often think they are familiar with something when they reread it instead, ask yourself questions and look for the answer or the material yourself. This will allow you to identify areas that still need consolidation of knowledge; then you can apply some of our tips to improve memory. Avoid asking questions as soon as you try to remember something. Wait a few hours or even a day or two to see if it really stays in your memory.

Use distribution practice

In order for knowledge to pass from temporary working memory to your long-term memory, two things must happen: the information must be memorable and repeated. Use repetition to consolidate the information in your memory. Repetition techniques can include things like flash cards, using the tips above for self-testing. Keep memorization and testing as far apart as possible over time.

Write it down

Writing is a great way to help you learn more because there is a direct connection between your hand and your brain. Try to write your notes by hand during a lecture or rewrite and reorganize notes or information by hand after a lecture. As you record the information, try to say it and imagine what it is about.

Create meaningful groups

A good memorization strategy is to create meaningful groups that simplify the material. For example, let's say you want to remember the biggest sea in the world “ the Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of the world ocean

Use a mnemonic

Mnemonics is a system and techniques that make information unforgettable. A small example: When we look at the moon, how do we know if the full moon has passed soon or is approaching? Easy: if the moon has the shape of the letter "C", then it is shrinking and there will soon be a new moon. And when the moon has the opposite shape, to which if we add a dash it will become "P", then the moon grows and soon there will be a full moon.

Talk to yourself

Try speaking out loud instead of just emphasizing or rereading information.


Seriously! Studies show that exercise can improve our memory and learning abilities because it helps build neurons in areas related to memory. Cardio exercises (weights) and exercises that improve blood circulation have a powerful effect, so do the best for you - physically and mentally.

Practice intertwining.

Interweaving is the idea of ‹‹mixing either alternative skills or concepts that you want to remember. For example, spend some time memorizing new words in a foreign language. Then practice with a few math problems and then go back to the words. This method may seem confusing at first, but ultimately gives better results than just spending long periods of time with the same material.

Visual and spatial techniques.

Visual and spatial techniques are tricks of memory that involve your five senses. They use images, songs, feelings and our bodies to help the information stay in your memory. People have exceptional systems for visual and spatial memory. When you use visual and spatial memory techniques, you are using fun, memorable and creative approaches, not boring memorization. When you group things together, you increase your long-term memory. The use of visual and spatial techniques helps the mind to focus and pay attention. They help you make it meaningful, memorable and fun. The common practice of using your knuckles to remember the length of each month is a great example of an easy visual spatial technique to help you remember details.

Saved visual images.

The next time you have a key element to remember, try to make a memorable visual image that represents that element. Images are important because they connect directly to the visual-spatial centers of the brain. Images help you memorize difficult concepts by touching visual areas. You don't just have to use images, the more of the five senses you can use, the easier it will be to remind you of the information. Instead of just visualizing an image, try to feel the image.

The technique of the memorial palace.

This technique can help memorize unrelated items, such as a grocery list. To use the Palace of Memory technique, you need to visualize their location and then imagine items from your grocery list in different areas around the location. For example, 6 eggs arranged on the table or red apples arranged on a shelf. This technique may take some time to get used to, but then it becomes faster and more effective.

Songs and melodies.

Like the palace with images, songs or melodies use the right hemisphere of our brain and can help us remember difficult things like equations and lists. There are already a lot of songs about things like the quadratic formula - try searching Google for songs you've already developed? If not, try it yourself.

Living visual metaphors or analogies.

This can help you memorize concepts, especially in math and science. Metaphor is a way to realize that one thing is somehow similar to another. For example, think of Italy as a boot.

Some of these techniques may seem strange at first or it may take some time to develop. The more you practice them, the easier it becomes and the more information you can engage your memory. Experiment with a few and find out which one works for you. You can also support the learning process with nutritional supplements that stimulate memory and overall tone, such as the complex bioactive formula of Memotherra. The rich composition of spirulina, golden root, rosemary and ginseng activates concentration, improves blood circulation, stimulates good mood and improves memory.