Top-10 goods on market places 2021-2022
When opening an online store or concluding a dropshipping contract, the most important task is to select the goods. There are two key points here: find proposals that do not require large investments, and identify a growing or long-term trend that will sell for a long time.
And it would be good to decide on a niche, because it determines the path of further development. You can play "long", ie do the goods that are always in demand, or "short" and try to make money on trends. Well, another way - a combination. While the bulk of the goods are slowly sold, follow the trends and make money from them. In this review, we will explain what products were in demand in 2021 and what prospects are possible in 2022. To do this, let's look at the dynamics of requests from the Google Trends service.
- Gouache Scraper
Exotics are always popular if they are inexpensive. And so at the beginning of the 21st year, a new Chinese miracle appeared on the markets of European countries - the Gouache scraper. What it is is a mystery. This item "took off" because it was used in beauty salons. But then he was taken over by bloggers and housewives who signed up for them. Of course, the units focus on Chinese massage, but everyone wants to. Moreover, the network is full of videos and directories. Due to this, the scraper has become an inexpensive but very popular product, most likely, by the end of 2022 it will come to every home.
The aesthetics and exoticism of scrapers work for this. They are made of different materials:
- quartz;
- nephritis;
- tree;
- bone;
The most affordable are cast in plastic. The shape of the scraper can vary, it is important that it be smooth and streamlined. There are scrapers in the shape of a heart, fish, rectangle, rounded crest.
It is believed that the scraper is effective in improving blood circulation in the skin. And also helps with cellulite, convenient for massaging the face, neck, collar and whole body. An important advantage of the scraper is the affordable price.
- Hydrogel
Protective film Smartphones sometimes fall and there are two main philosophies of protection, the first - to soften the impact, the second - to increase the hardness of the surface. Fans of hard choose tempered glass, soft - film. Glass - stronger, film - hides scratches. Which is better? - let's leave this question to engineers, the market attractiveness of the product is more important to us.
As can be seen from the illustration, the demand for the film is quite stable. It is important to understand how full the market is and what the value of the product is. Google Shopping, pay attention to the cost and offers. Low-quality film costs a penny, but it is a normal film, not hydrogel. A good self-tightening film on which scratches "heal" is sold in another price category.
The market is not crowded with this product, and may be very promising.
- Ring lamp
Ring lamp is a trend that has been selling well for almost two years. It is taken by make-up artists, cosmetologists, but most often by those who want to make a career as a blogger or are fond of home photos. The lamp allows you to evenly illuminate the subject, adjust the intensity and angle of illumination. The ring lamp for a portrait photo proved to be especially good.
The chart shows that the surge in sales for this product has already passed. Most likely, the market is already saturated, but the developers do not give up, and the next trend is a colored ring lamp.
It is unclear how popular this device will be, but there are prospects.
- Kalimba
Kalimba is an African instrument for music lovers, yogis, meditators and children. Everyone will be able to play it, without notes, scores and conductor, the main thing is desire. Kalimba are common in Central and South Africa, they are made of bone, clay, coconut and metal. In the wake of yoga, this tool was used to improve concentration and concentration. The peak of popularity came in the winter of 2021, but interest in kalimbs continues throughout the year.
Most likely, the potential of this instrument is not yet exhausted, in addition, it makes sense to pay attention to other ethnic musical instruments.
- Toys pop it
This toy appeared relatively recently and inherited the bubble oilcloth. Are rubber bubbles that can be pressed. The main difference from the packaging is "reusability". Who needs it? Children for the development of fine motor skills, as well as kinesthetics who like to touch everything.
Demand is a real trend in 2021, the toy came out of nowhere, instantly "took off", sold well for six months and is now popular on Google.
Pay attention to the chart: the main volume of sales fell in the middle of the year, then began a gradual decline and stabilization of interest. I think pop can not be considered a promising product for business, but in our TOP 2021 it takes its place.
- Hoodie
Hoodie - a jacket with a hood and a large, through pocket on the abdomen. Why there was a sudden surge of interest in thinness in 2021 is as clear as day. A 20-year cycle has passed and fashion has returned. In the West and in our country, such sweaters have existed for a long time, the only thing - designers could make them without pockets or with side pockets.
Most often, skinny people sew from dark fabric with a thematic print (popular band, game, and cartoon).
- Scales
Nowadays, all devices are smart, soon before pouring tea; you have to consult with the kettle.
The point is. that the scales have already reached the level when they not only show the weight, but also:
- Percentage of fat;
- Mass of bones;
- Percentage of muscle.
Agree, this is more than just a mass meter.
Why did they suddenly become popular? I think there are several reasons. The first - a reasonable weight has become available, the second - home sitters over the lockdown overdosed on cookies. Now those who did not buy dumbbells and expanders a year ago are ordering scales to control their weight.
And, of course, this is an interesting toy. Smart scales can connect to a smartphone via Bluetooth, the application keeps records, analyzes the composition of the body and even prescribes diets.
- Facial massagers
Facial massagers in trend In 2021, millions of women were looking for them. The surge in popularity is due, of course, to the benefits of marketing and the availability of these products. With a little effort and money, you can improve blood circulation, rejuvenate and look better.
Of course, quarantine also played a role. Some massage parlors have become inaccessible and interest in devices that replace masseurs has grown.
In addition to rollers for facial massage, they buy butterflies for the press, massage capes, mattresses, foot and neck massagers.
- Irrigator for teeth
Irrigator - not new and has long been known to dentists. The peculiarity of this situation is that now there are household irrigators. To ensure white teeth, brushing is definitely not enough.
Marketers write that the irrigator helps to perfectly clean the space between the teeth, gums and tongue from food debris. They (residues) are the main cause of caries.
The price of the device depends on the size, options and number of nozzles. Ask your dentist if a home irrigator is really useful and if everyone can use it. But in terms of sales - in 2021 it sold very well.
- Humidifiers and fragrances
This is a device for cleaning the air, humidification and fragrance of the house. In principle, it is inexpensive, useful and in demand. "Aroma lamp", "freshener", "humidifier", etc. are often used together with the query "aroma diffuser".
Flavors are electric and natural. Electric sprays moisture and fragrance thanks to micromotors, heaters and evaporators. Natural flavors use natural evaporation of aromatic liquids from vessels, using a wick, bamboo stick, etc.
Natural - more environmentally friendly and do not require outlets, and electric are more productive and designed for large spaces. Aroma diffusers were popular in 2021 and will remain relevant in 2022. In summary, it should be said that in addition to the goods presented in this TOP, there is a lot more. And there will definitely be new products and new hits. Follow our reviews and stay up to date.