The 4 keys of the Civil Guard to create a totally secure password

The Civil Guard has shared which are the four principles that can help us when creating a password that is difficult to hack, guess or force.

The 4 keys of the Civil Guard to create a totally secure password
The 4 keys of the Civil Guard to create a totally secure password

The Civil Guard has shared which are the four principles that can help us when creating a password that is difficult to hack, guess or force. Take paper and pen because this interests you.

Although at first we did not give it much importance, especially those of us who paint gray hair and for us a password was a 4-digit code so that they would not access our computer in the office, things have changed.

Now, cyber security is a fundamental issue for any citizen, since our life on the Internet is as important as the real one. We have bank accounts, our medical history and work life in the network. Everything is on the network, and that means it is susceptible to being hacked.

For this reason the Civil Guard has seen fit to remind us which are the four key rules when creating a strong password, difficult to guess and even more so to force.

Exceeds the minimum 8 digits: The longer a password is, the more difficult to guess and the more complex it is to force through specialized programs.

Combine uppercase and lowercase letters: The more alphabets, alphanumeric combinations, uppercase and lowercase and (remember that it does not exist outside of our alphabet), the more variables come into play, turning our password into an impregnable bastion.

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Forget about birthday or wedding dates: This one is above all so that no one will guess your password. It is a tip designed to avoid hacks by acquaintances, not hackers.

Do not use passwords already used in an Internet service: In this way, if a password is guessed, the rest of the applications and services are not in danger of being hacked as well. You will only have to change the password of that app and that's it.

With these steps the Civil Guard assumes that we will be well protected, since the common passwords that are hacked do not comply with any of the four previous points.

You know, 8 digits as little, all kinds of letters, numbers and symbols and never repeat password. Hackers will hate you, but you will be safe.