Should students use mobile phones during class?

they are even using mobile phones during class. Therefore the question arises, should student use mobile phones during class?

Should students use mobile phones during class?
Should students use mobile phones during class?

In today™s world, the use of mobile phones has become common amongst all age groups. It is considered a necessity to constantly have and use a mobile phone. The transfer of every facility and work online has increased the use of mobile phones significantly. From adults to toddlers and teenagers, you see a mobile phone in every hand. Students by far, are the most frequent users of mobile phones. From homes and playgrounds, they are even using mobile phones during class. Therefore the question arises, should student use mobile phones during class?

Using mobile phones during class can be beneficial but at the same time it can adversely affect the students.  By using mobiles phone in class, students can increase their knowledge and understand the concept being taught in the class well. They can easily search and read different articles, research journals etc. about the topic they are being taught to understand it better.

At one click, they can look up meanings of words they don™t understand during the lecture which will further increase their knowledge and understanding. Different videos can be seen during the lectures which are related to the concept being taught. This will further benefit them in their understanding. Moreover, students can record the lectures using mobile phones during class, and listen to it more attentively when they are at home.

While using mobile phones during class has various benefits, it can also be harmful to the students. When they start using mobile phones during class for purposes other than studying, their attention gets diverted from the lecture at hand. Their focus is lost and it results in them not understanding the topic later since they were not attentive during class.

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Furthermore, students™ visual sight is affected by this constant use of mobile phones (even during class) because of the dangerous rays emitted from the screens of these devices. The fact is that by using cell phones during class the focus of students is lost and it leads to their memory being impaired when they are not able to store the lecture in their brain. This hence, results in the academic performance of students falling rapidly and affects their grades negatively.

Looking at the above discussion, it is visible that even though using mobile phones in class may have its benefits, the negative effects are something that cannot be ignored. The harmful effects of using mobile phones in class are much more severe than the positive ones. Thus, it is advised and suggested that students should not use mobile phones during class.