Questions to know if your child is addicted to video games like Fortnite

Questions to know if your child is addicted to video games like Fortnite
Education, Addictions vices, Learning, New technologies, be mothers and fathers, Games,

Some signs to detect and recognize addiction to video games in children

If you have a son or daughter who likes video games, there is a name that will surely ring a bell: Fortnite. And it is that this game for computer or video console, with its ups and downs in popularity, has come to stay among children and adolescents. This makes many parents around the world wonder if their little one's use of this entertainment is normal or if, on the contrary, their child is addicted to Fortnite and other similar video games.

  1. Why Fortnite is so addictive for children and teenagers
  2. Childhood video game addiction disorder
  3. Questionnaire to find out if your child is addicted to the video game console
  4. The good side of video games and Fortnite

Why Fortnite is so addictive for children and teenagers

There is no doubt that Fortnite is a video game that is very attractive for children (and for the not so young as well). Studies such as 'Generation Z and Fortnite: New Ethical Paradigms in Video Game Design', carried out by various authors, ensure that 60% of children between 8 and 11 years of age (of the sample studied with more than 500 children) play Fortnite, despite not having the indicated minimum age of 12 years.


Data from this research also highlights such as that 25.5% of children play every day (compared to 74.6% who ensure that they use it only on the weekend). And on the days they play, they do so for 2 hours or more (in 42.2 percent of cases) or 1 hour (in 57.8 percent).


And what is it that makes Fortnite so appealing to children? The experts point out the way in which it is designed and highlight that 'mechanics of hiding', as the most attractive for the little ones.


On the other hand, the psychologist also indicates that, due to the way Fortnite works, it is very easy to fall into the dynamic of 'one more game' and 'one more game' and 'one more game'... This It makes children spend time in front of this video game, hardly without realizing it.

In addition, we cannot ignore details such as the fact that the game is free (although you can buy skins, dances, etc.), the graphics are very reminiscent of cartoons (which attracts the attention of the little ones) and the dances are very fashionable in schoolyards, since they have become viral.

Childhood video game addiction disorder

Has your son or daughter also fallen into the Fortnite networks? If their use of this video game is sensible, controlled and they are the right age for it, you should know that it will not do them any harm. In fact, and as we talk about a bit further down, it will help you develop some skills and abilities.

However, when the usage times (which are getting longer) start to get out of control or the children stop doing other activities or plans to play video games, a warning signal should go off in our heads.


In fact, for the psychologist, this is the point at which we can start talking about video game addiction: when children stop playing with their friends, being with their family, doing their homework, practicing sports (or any another activity that he used to enjoy) to spend more time with the video game console or the computer.

Questionnaire to find out if your child is addicted to the video game console

Based on the criteria established by experts, we parents can ask ourselves a series of questions that will help us reflect on whether our son or daughter is developing addictive behaviour in reference to video games. These are some of those questions that will make us think about whether the relationship of children with new technologies is healthy.


  1. Has your son stopped hanging out with their friends?


  1. Whenever you propose a family plan, does he tell you that he prefers to stay at home playing the video game console?


  1. Has your performance in school started to decline or your grades or grades have worsened?


  1. Does your child find it hard to make friends in life offline, but has many friends online?


  1. The first thing you do as soon as you get up is turn on the game console or the computer?


  1. Do you go to bed later (or don't get enough sleep) to play longer?


  1. Do you forget to eat, have you lost your appetite, or eat too fast to get more game time?


  1. Do you spend the entire afternoon playing, without being aware of the passing of the hours? (He says he's only going to play for a few minutes, but those minutes turn into hours)


  1. When you tell him to stop playing, does he get angry?


  1. Do you even react aggressively?


  1. Is communication at home not as fluid as it used to be?


  1. Have you lied or pretended to play longer?


  1. Have you neglected your personal hygiene habits?


  1. Do you tend to be short-tempered?


In the event that more than half of these answers were affirmative, your son or daughter could be developing addictive behaviour in relation to video games. It is time to reflect on ourselves, to talk to the child and to go to a specialist.

The good side of video games and Fortnite

Although it is true that excessive use of video games can lead to different behavioural problems in children, we cannot demonize them. And it is that these video games can greatly benefit children, provided that a controlled use is made and according to the age of the children.


We cannot ignore, for example, that video games like Fortnite are a great tool for teaching children math. But in addition, the little ones can develop their communication, negotiation and strategy skills by playing this video game. It even teaches them to work as a team and looking for a common cause. It also allows to improve the concentration of the little ones.