Online communication: netiquette rules for teachers

We analyze the most common mistakes of Internet & Online communication Each environment has its own rules of etiquette and feature

Online communication: netiquette rules for teachers
Online communication: netiquette rules for teachers

We analyze the most common mistakes of Internet & Online communication Each environment has its own rules of etiquette and features of communication. To prevent unpleasant cases, we offer an analysis of four behaviors that occur in social networks.

  1. Ecological communication

What associations does "ecological communication" evoke in you? Probably, communication based on the principles of respect for the partner: recognition of his thoughts, personal space, time. Start working with yourself; analyze your own actions on social networks. Are there cases when you use the time and space of the interlocutor is not environmentally friendly?

  • Do you mark a friend in the artical? Think about whether a friend will be happy to find someone else's artical on his own page, where he will automatically get.
  • Do you write during working hours or, conversely, late at night? Think about whether your articals will not distract the interlocutor's family? Use email if you want to send an email right now.
  • Are you sending private information that you find interesting? Think about whether you really need to send your colleague everything related to education, cats or humor. Make the following setup basic: a colleague will handle the search for important information no worse than you.
  • Do you do 3 to 10 articals a day on your own page? Think about whether your news is relevant / unique. Keep in mind that people get tired of consuming a lot of content. In addition, such behavior characterizes an unpretentious and uncritical of information personality.
  • Are you criticizing a stranger's photo or artical? Understand that a person's feed or account is their personal space. Even if the topic of conversation is school, such discussion and criticism may be inappropriate.

  1. Do not hesitate to ban, feel free to have long arguments

Imagine that someone came to your page and wrote some offensive comments. What will you do?

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  1. I will answer with the same coin.
  2. I ask why he writes such bad words.
  3. I will explain to the villain how wrong he is.
  4. I will ban the troll.

Of course, sometimes option "B" will be appropriate. However, if a person immediately makes abusive comments, it is better to ban them immediately. No, you should not be ashamed. Trying to prove the wrongdoer wrong is one of the most losing strategies. This is how you engage in long discussions and arguments, while the offender responds with short, ironic messages. For the rest, in a few days of such "communication" you will feel exhausted.

Ban, delete a comment, or ignore an unwanted guest is an approach that will save you time and effort. Saving effort emphasizes your dignity, while being willing to spend time with a stranger will indicate a lack of self-esteem. Persuading a person who does not want to change his mind and does not ask for help is one of the most meaningless activities.

  1. Do you take everything for granted?

Don't take the sudden attention of strangers or the desire to "make friends" seriously. Social networks are not only a place of communication, but also a huge platform for promotion and sales. Many people subscribe, flatteringly comment or like in the hope of a similar response.

Rest assured, some likes, comments and subscriptions are random and have a pragmatic basis. This is NOT a real interest in you or your content. Sometimes false attention is taken too sincerely, which does not have a very good effect on the authority among students.

  1. Don't take situations too seriously

People write comments for various reasons and only some of them are worth noting. The real reasons include interest, indignation or a desire to explain an interesting idea. If a person writes to support your favorite channel and raise it in the rankings - do not pay attention to such comments. Learn to distinguish the former from the latter.

Channel owners are often asked to write anything in the comments, as this promotes the video. Usually these are "lazy" comments on 4-5 emotional words, or a set of meaningless smilies.

However, sometimes people invent longer articals without worrying about the quality of the text. Is it fair to say that you will look funny if you start correcting and blaming for mistakes? Often a commenter does not expect his words to be noticed at all, so ignore such comments.

When communicating online, you should separate the important from the secondary: ignore some comments, do not start unnecessary arguments and focus on the main thing. These rules will help protect your reputation and save time.