How to expand the focus on learning and teaching

planned before actual class begins, it will enhance the effectiveness of the teaching. How to expand the focus on learning and teaching.

How to expand the focus on learning and teaching
How to expand the focus on learning and teaching

The core aim of an institution is quality of instruction. The establishment wants to make sure that students are taught in effective way. For this, they need to take some steps. First planning is of utmost importance. If lessons are planned before actual class begins, it will enhance the effectiveness of the teaching. How to expand the focus on learning and teaching.

Predicting the focus of learning activity also increases performance of both teachers and students. Shared learning is effective tool to increase the instructional effectiveness. Classroom and group discussions, seminars and walks can pave the way to efficient teaching. Teachers can become more focused on teaching if they create a teaching file.

That file may contain lesson plans, curriculum, learning objectives and assessment criterion so that everyone who visits the classroom may instantly come to know what is going on at instructional grounds. The principals and heads of departments can collaborate to create a monitoring committee. It will improve focus on teaching-learning process as make teaching practice more systematic.

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Observations on teaching are a sure way to enhance instructional focus of the teachers. When they know they are going to be observed, they will make  more effort to improve instructional. Similarly, student™s learning can also be observed by creating combination of sources like textbooks, worksheets, data of discussions and assessment files. A well-known technique known as œtriangulation will be effective to increase focus on teaching.

Triangulations means combining three techniques to generate desired results. An example of triangulation could be combination of strategies like modelling, scaffolding and role-playing to teach speaking skills. Things also get better through self-evaluation by the teachers of their teaching styles and techniques.