Heartburn after eating causes and prompt treatment

personal experience what heartburn is. This unpleasant burning sensation, sore throat, occurs after eating, familiar to everyone.

Heartburn after eating causes and prompt treatment
Heartburn after eating causes and prompt treatment

There are probably no people who do not know from personal experience what heartburn is. This unpleasant burning sensation, sore throat, occurs after eating, familiar to everyone.

Another thing is that some people experience heartburn a couple of times in their lives, while others face it constantly. What is dangerous heartburn, why does it occur and how can it be effectively controlled?

The causes of heartburn Today is no secret - heartburn occurs due to the back throwing of food with gastric juice into the esophagus. And that's why it happens - here we have to understand every time, as they say, individually. According to statistics, up to forty percent of the world's population experiences heartburn more or less regularly, and most of them suffer from some disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of heartburn

By heartburn, we mean a number of symptoms: primarily acid belching, which causes a burning sensation in the esophagus, an unpleasant feeling of distension in the chest and throat, mild nausea, itching and cough, exacerbated in the supine position. In some cases, the sudden release of stomach contents into the esophagus causes itching, especially dangerous at night. The main causes of heartburn are considered to be the following:

Late eating, after which too little time has passed before sleep - a person takes a horizontal position, which contributes to the import of food into the esophagus;

  • Abundant food intake, in this case the accusation occurs due to increased gastric pressure on the esophagus;
  • Excess in the diet of sour, spicy, marinades, spices, coffee, alcohol;
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice (gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • Smoking
  • Overweight;
  • Stress;
  • Taking drugs based on acids (acetylsalicylic acid, nais, etc.);
  • Leans forward immediately after eating (for one and a half to two hours after a meal), overwhelms the abdominal cavity;
  • Wearing tight clothes;
  • Esophageal hernia and other pathologies;
  • Weakening of the muscles of the esophagus;
  • Problems with the liver, gallbladder and pancreas;

Excluding the possibility of disease, heartburn is most often caused by alcohol and any "harmful" food, especially chocolate and carbonated beverages, chips and everything that is commonly called fast food. In the event that heartburn has become a frequent "guest", it is necessary to undergo a complete examination and identify the root cause, especially if heartburn is preceded by pain in the epigastrium, nausea, it is accompanied by vomiting and loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea or constipation, blood, weakness and other alarming symptoms. In some cases, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

What can be taken urgently if heartburn occurs after eating?

If heartburn bothers you after eating periodically, you can simply relieve this unpleasant symptom by taking drugs specifically designed to eliminate heartburn, or folk remedies. When it comes to drugs, you need to find your medicine, because often what helps one does not relieve the heartburn of another or causes a number of side effects, such as constipation, or dry mouth.

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Most heartburn medications are antacids, they suppress the acidity of gastric juice, so it is undesirable to take them for a long time, because the decrease in normal acidity leads to digestive disorders and absorption of nutrients from food. The most famous antacids are: Prilosec ,Tagamet. The next group of drugs is aimed at absorption and environment, many very well helps smectite, as it envelops the irritated walls of the stomach and esophagus, gently reduces acidity. Drinking mineral water can also relieve a slight heartburn, and a course of mineral water eliminates the symptoms of heartburn for a long time.

Folk remedies for heartburn after eating

Often for the first time heartburn covers a person after the holidays - abundant infusions and mixing of foods eaten in large quantities, leads to fermentation in the stomach and the release of undigested food into the esophagus. In this case, you need to know the names of home remedies for emergency heartburn.

  • The drug "number one" - ordinary baking soda. It should be drunk carefully, diluting a pinch in 50 100 ml of water, carefully dissolving so that no crystals remain, because soda in terms of chemistry is an alkali. The water should be cool but not cold. After taking soda is expected to increase flatulence, belching, as soda causes an acid quenching reaction in the stomach. After belching air, there is an immediate improvement in health. You can also make a soda-lemon pop by taking half a teaspoon of baking soda and lemon juice, mixing it all up and pouring it into a glass of water.

Abuse of soda and popcorn is undesirable, as they reduce the secretory function of the stomach and often provoke the re-release of acid into the esophagus. If soda did not help, it is better to take the drug. And one more thing: carefully read the inscriptions on the box, so as not to confuse baking soda with caustic soda, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon and leads to sad consequences.

  • Potato starch is an excellent remedy for heartburn. Half a teaspoon to half a glass of water will save you from a slight heartburn. If there is no starch, you can grate one potato on a grater, squeeze the juice and drink it immediately. Drinking potato juice on an empty stomach in the morning will help get rid of heartburn for a long time and even cure gastritis. Cold milk helps very well, but only if the milk is well tolerated by the body. Milk, apparently, coagulates in an acidic environment and acts as a kind of absorbent.

There are also herbs for heartburn: use those that neutralize gastric juice. Collecting wormwood, mint and chamomile (in equal proportions) well quenches heartburn: take two teaspoons of the collection, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse and drink half a glass half an hour before a meal to prevent possible heartburn.

Gently and without harm to the mucous membrane eliminate heartburn activated charcoal and polyfepan - two tablets of charcoal or a teaspoon of polyfepan washed down with a small amount of water.

We hope that you will find your method of combating heartburn, and even better, say goodbye to it forever, learning the basics of healthy eating and proper nutrition!