Don't try - do. And believe you will succeed!

look for it outside, and perhaps the most important answer is within ourselves. Don't try - do. And believe you will succeed.

Don't try - do. And believe you will succeed!
Don't try - do. And believe you will succeed!

Why do some people succeed and not others? Why is it all easy for some people, and why others do not achieve success despite the tears and sweat that have been shed? Why are some people always uphill, while others seem to be in favor of fate? Why sometimes everything suddenly goes smoothly and goes smoothly, and sometimes it collapses in a completely unforeseen place? We look for answers in various ways and in many places - fate, fate, destiny, higher power, curse, grace. We often look for it outside, and perhaps the most important answer is within ourselves. Don't try - do. And believe you will succeed.

Think that you can and that you will succeed

Often, in order to achieve the goals set before us, we have to unlearn what we have learned, we have to look at the task or goal in a different, different way, look for new ways, new skills, new opportunities. And most of all, we have to change our approach and believe that we will succeed. Henry Ford, a prominent American industrialist, engineer and founder of the Ford Motor Company, said: "If you think you can or you think you can't, you are always right." This is an amazing power of our subconscious - it never wants to deceive us. If we unconsciously believe that something will fail, it will not. If we are absolutely sure that we will succeed, we have the feeling that the entire universe is helping us.

Dangerous word - I'll try

We all on and off hear words spoken by office fellows , friends, and even by ourselves - "Okay. I'll try "," I probably won't succeed, but I can try "," If you insist, I'll try, but don't count on it. œHow does the word "I'll try" work?

As protection against failure, such an insurance pillow - it failed, but I said it would be so, I warned. I made an attempt and I will not be anymore. "I'll try" implies the possibility of failure. It is also an explanation for articalponing for sometime. Since we assume that the task we have to do will not be easy or enjoyable, and that it is associated with the possibility of failure, we will find a lot of important and less important reasons not to do it, or at least to articalpone it. It's procrastination. By articalponing it until the last moment, we lose a lot of time, energy and nerves. Often times, it takes us much less time to actually do a given activity, to complete even an unpleasant task, than to translate and explain in front of ourselves and others.

Not only does procrastination make our everyday life difficult - it affects our self-esteem and our image in the eyes of others. It can cause health problems and lower our performance at work. Simply - it adversely affects the comfort of our personal and professional life.

How to fight procrastination?

  • Don't put it off, don't try, just do. Don't look for hundreds of excuses, more urgent tasks for now. Do it and get it over with. Each task completed in time and on time, without unnecessary articalponement, increases our self-confidence and strengthens a new habit.
  • You need to clearly set your goal and formulate it in a positive way, preferably in the present tense. Very complicated goals should be broken down into smaller ones that are easier to achieve. And reward yourself for reaching each milestone. If we have successfully completed individual elements of a difficult task, it will be easier for us to take the next steps.
  • We must assume in advance that we can, that it is worth it and that we will succeed. We must also allocate an appropriate, specific amount of time to the planned tasks. And time with a specific, but not too much, spare time.

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  • Make to-do lists for the next weeks or days - ticking off the next items on the list gives you satisfaction, which motivates you to move on to the next tasks.
  • And we just have to start - even the longest journey starts with the first step. If we start, we will regret the time and effort already put in, if we thought to put it off again.
  • We want to speak English well - let's start with the simplest texts and spend 15 minutes a day, but every day, for studying. Let's look for opportunities to speak, let's listen to, for example, British radio programs for language learning.
  • We want to start running - let's go outside and start. Let's find other runners nearby to support us, set fixed days and hours of physical recreation.
  • Let's involve friends and family in our important plans - let's just say what we want to do. We build specific support groups in this way, then it will be stupid to withdraw from our commitments.
  • Let us implement our plans, keep our word and commitments - now, not sometime, in the undefined future. Because we may run out of time, strength or simply miss the best opportunity.

Don't try - do. Or don't. There is no trying

Sometimes when I work with students or adults in class, I discuss one scene from Star Wars. This is one of my favorite scenes - and not only mine - in this movie. It only takes 4 minutes 30 seconds - 270 seconds of pure magic. Magic that lasts for many years and nothing loses its strength. Mastery of dialogue, brilliant music, intriguing scenery, only three heroes: Master Yoda, Luke Skywalker and R2D2 repair robot. And these few most important words from Yoda:

- Don't try - do. Or don't. There is no trying. (Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.)