Conclusions on the phenomenon of child overprotection

out to help prevent their presence in the family and school environment. Conclusions on the phenomenon of child overprotection.

Beginning our analysis with a series of reflections on this topic, to later go on to analyze its risks for the evolutionary development of the minor and, based on the consideration of these, offer a series of actions to be carried out to help prevent their presence in the family and school environment. Conclusions on the phenomenon of child overprotection.

Therefore, once we have carried out this comprehensive evaluation of the phenomenon of child overprotection, we are in a position to present a set of conclusions through which to close the circle and complete the study of this parent-child behavior and its effects on the behavior of the child. Child and the development of his capacities and abilities in the future:

  • One of the main elements that justify the existence of higher levels of child overprotection is due to the demographic changes experienced within the family, given that the lower number of children per family unit, the problems of reconciliation and the need for a Greater planning when having a baby is leading to the consideration of our children as a personal project on which we pour all our efforts, in many cases in an excessive way.
  • Parents should be made aware that the fact of overprotecting their children is not a temporary behavior associated with early childhood, since, to the extent that we slow down their individual evolutionary development and slow down their personal autonomy, we will be laying the foundations for may this phenomenon be accentuated by both parties in the future.

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  • Several studies of notable reputation have shown that the development of overprotection in a child during his childhood stage has a direct impact on the presence of fears, emotional conflicts and anxiety pictures throughout adolescence, which can easily be prolonged to his adult stage, since they have less resistance to the frustrations associated with our day to day life.
  • To get an idea of ‹‹to what extent this parent-child behavior can influence the well-being of the child, a large number of pediatricians have detected a direct relationship between overprotection and the increase in allergies and autoimmune diseases in children, given the propensity of their parents to the development of excessive medication, thus influencing the generation of defenses.
  • In the same way, a high degree of relationship between overprotection and the presence of bullying has been confirmed, since the child's lack of self-esteem and self-confidence make them more vulnerable to this type of practices by other minors. age.