Choosing the right education - our best tips

Choosing the right education - our best tips
right education, education, theoretical tasks, career, best tips. predictable tip, apply for,

The range of courses today is enormous, but how do you find the right one? A narrow or wide? Theoretical or practical? Intensive or 5-year? We guide you right through the study jungle! choose education

What are your career goals?

All educations have their advantages - it is therefore impossible to give general advice when choosing an education. But a good piece of advice is to start by thinking about your specific career goals and starting from them. Do you know exactly in which field you want to work or do you have absolutely no idea? Maybe you know you want to work with people, but not in what way? In general, you can think that the more unspecified your future goals are, the broader education you should choose. A broad education often provides a good foundation to stand on and many career options.


Where do you want to live?

Think about where you can see yourself living in the next few years. Do you prefer to stay at home? Does a fun student town attract? Or do you want to live somewhere where student life does not have such a strong character? Then take a closer look at what type of education is available in that particular area.


Make sure you have the right authorization when choosing a course

Different types of education require different qualifications. What is common is that all university educations require a basic qualification, which means that you have a high school education or complete grades. In addition to that, many educations require special eligibility requirements, for example a certain high school specialization.


What do you not want to work with?

Sometimes the easiest way to figure out what to choose for education is to start at the opposite end. Instead, think about what you don't want. In this way, you can weed out things you are not interested in, which hopefully makes the choice of education easier.


Find out what your dream job requires

Do you dream of a particular job? Find out what it takes to get that job. One tip is to look at job advertisements for roles you think seem exciting - what qualifications and education are in demand? Is it a specific program or rather practical knowledge in a certain area? Many vocational courses are often more niche and dominated by practical elements, while university courses are generally broader and more theoretically oriented.

For example, if you want to work as a programmer, look for courses where you learn some form of programming language such as Java, C# or JavaScript. Many good academies offer intensive courses where, for example, you can learn to program in just 12 weeks. If, on the other hand, you think that jobs in IT in general seem exciting, perhaps you should rather apply for a more general IT education where you can try different areas and hopefully find your niche.


Do you still feel lost in the choice of education?

It may sound like a predictable tip given that we are a staffing and recruitment company, but if you feel very uncertain about which course or program you should apply for, it may actually pay to work for a few years instead. It can help you find out which workplaces you enjoy, whether you prefer practical or theoretical tasks, large or small companies, etc. Hopefully, it will make the choice of education feel more obvious. One tip is to look at jobs in warehouse and logistics, where, for example, store jobs and warehouse work are included - a common first step in a career.