20 habits that parents should develop in children

parents and their actions in different situations. Parents' habits are also inevitably passed on to children.

20 habits that parents should develop in children
20 habits that parents should develop in children

Children watch their parents all their lives and learn from them. They turn to their parents when they face problems throughout their lives, starting in early childhood. Growing up, children imitate the behavior of their parents and their actions in different situations. Parents' habits are also inevitably passed on to children.

Therefore, it is important for parents to teach children to distinguish good habits from bad ones and to choose good ones. This can be a difficult task. But be patient and do not give up your goal.

Consider the healthy habits that parents should develop in their children.

  1. Healthy eating

Tip: use colorful products.

Kids usually like fast food, chips, candy, cookies and other sweets. Convince your child that healthy food can be delicious: pasta, homemade cakes, pizza, etc.

To develop a child's healthy eating habits, make food bright. To do this, use products of different colors. It is not only good for health, but also will bring the child more pleasure from food. You should show your child an example of healthy eating, eating healthy foods and eating a balanced diet.

  1. Physical activity

Hint: motivate the child to move more.

If you allow your child to constantly sit on the couch and watch TV, you are making a mistake. Don't let your children get used to a sedentary lifestyle. Encourage them to go play in the yard or take a walk in the park. Plan joint walks in the fresh air with the whole family and involve children in them. Make these walks fun.

Convince your child that a sedentary lifestyle is bad for your health. Here are some dangers associated with lack of physical activity:

  • Adiposity;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Attention disorders;
  • Emotional and social problems

  1. Pay attention to labels on products, not on designer things

Tip: Teach your child to read food labels.

In adolescence, children become interested in fashion and carefully select their wardrobe. Tell your child that it is much more important to pay attention to food labels.

Must Read: How to prepare our children for the future next

Show your child her favorite product from the supermarket and, reading the information on the label, explain what it consists of. First of all, tell us about the nutritional value of foods. Advise your child to choose foods based on the amount of fat, carbohydrates, sugar and calories. Your efforts will help her develop healthy habits that will stay with her for a lifetime.

  1. Arrange family dinners

Hint: start a family tradition of having dinner together.

There is too little time left in the hectic pace of modern life that we can spend with our family. At the end of the day, you may find it difficult to sit with your child and listen to stories about their problems and stories that happened to them during the day. But still start the tradition of gathering the whole family for dinner. You can discuss the events of the day or share your thoughts with each other. This will have many positive effects for your child:

She begins to feel comfortable in the family circle;

She develops healthy eating habits;

She strengthens emotional ties with her family.

  1. Healthy water consumption

Tip: Drink water, not fizzy drinks.

Drinking fizzy drinks is probably the most common habit that children inherit from their parents. You need to teach your child that it is important to drink plain water and drink as little soda as possible.

Tell your child that water is good and helps prevent many diseases. At the same time, carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar and extra calories, which lead to obesity. Tell your child that water is a vital resource, so it should be drunk in sufficient quantities. When the child understands the importance of water, he will start drinking it instead of carbonated beverages.

  1. To share means to care

Tip: Encourage your child to share with family members.

Children need to know the value of certain items, learn to be generous and share their belongings with those who cannot afford them. Tell your child that you can share not only material things, but also emotions, feelings or stories. First of all, the child must learn to share with his family - with parents, siblings, grandparents, and then with other people. The ability to share with others will make the child better.

  1. Do not throw garbage in public places

Hint: take a plastic bag for walks, in which you collect all your garbage, and then throw it in the trash.

Explain to the child that you can't throw garbage in public places - only in the dump. Develop a habit in her so that she will follow it in the future. Don't litter yourself - and the children will follow your example. When leaving the house, take a plastic bag with you to put all the garbage there - bottles, used napkins, etc. Throw the package in the nearest landfill.

  1. Be polite

Tip: Treat other people the way you would like your children to be treated - politely and respectfully.

Politeness is a quality that all people like. Teach your child to respect other people, both seniors and peers. Explain to her that even if a person is unpleasant to her, she should be treated politely. The habit of polite communication will remain with the child for many years. Treat your child with respect - and she will learn this habit.

  1. Do not offend animals and birds

Tip: watch documentaries about animals with your child.

Usually children love animals and birds. However, some are afraid of them. Explain to the child that animals and birds are living beings who communicate in their own language and can be friendly. The child must know in which cases the animal may harm it (for example, bite), and in which - no. She should stay away from dangerous animals and be friendly with pets. Documentaries and educational programs on TV will help her learn this.

  1. Go in for sports

Tip: Encourage your child to play sports.

Get in the habit of the whole family doing any physical activity: running, exercising or doing yoga. Exercise will benefit everyone. If a child gets used to them from an early age, he will grow strong and flexible. Make the exercises more interesting - add music to them.

It will also be useful to enroll the child in a sports section. This will have a positive effect on her physical development. And who knows - maybe in the future she will become a famous athlete.

  1. Do not criticize or mock other people

Tip: When pointing out a child's mistakes, use only constructive criticism.

Criticism can help a child become better or, conversely, lower his self-esteem. Young children are not yet wise enough to take criticism positively. Parents should not only carefully point out to the child his mistakes, but also teach him to criticize other people in a positive manner. The child must understand that excessive criticism can hurt another person's feelings. It is inadmissible to tease or call a person for his shortcomings just for fun. Set a rule: never scold your family members for making mistakes in the presence of a child.

  1. Be honest

Hint: Do not lie to the child. Lying for good is also lying.

Honesty is a very important quality that a child needs to be instilled from childhood. You need to set an example for your child. Your words and actions have a strong impact on the child- both positive and negative. Therefore, always be honest, especially in the presence of a child. Encourage her to always tell the truth under any circumstances.

  1. Patience and perseverance

Tip: Teach your child to cook or work in the garden.

As the saying goes, "patience and hard work will overcome everything." Patience is a very important quality in today's stressful world. Develop this quality in your children; teach them to keep calm and peaceful in any situation. Convince the child that patience is always justified, and with its help you can cope with any situation. To teach your child patience, involve your child in activities such as gardening, cooking, or other activities that require time.

  1. Wash your hands

Tip: Tell your child about germs and diseases that are transmitted through unwashed hands.

Washing your hands before and after eating is a basic rule that even preschoolers know. Tell your child that unwashed hands can cause illnesses such as the flu, colds and more. Teach your child the following basic rules:

  • Hands should be washed before and after meals, as well as after coming from the street;
  • After washing you need to wipe your hands with a dry towel;
  • You need to use antibacterial soap to wash your hands.

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day

Tip: brush your teeth with your baby.

Oral hygiene is very important and should be taught to a child from an early age. Habits formed from childhood will stay with her for a long time. Children are just lazy to brush their teeth, but this procedure should not be taken lightly. As a reward, you can occasionally give your child sweets.

Tell your child how to brush their teeth properly:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day;
  • You need to rinse your mouth after eating - this will prevent tooth decay and bad breath;
  • You also need to floss for brushing your teeth;
  • You should also brush your tongue when brushing your teeth;
  • You can't share your toothbrush with anyone.

  1. Clean your ears

Tip: This procedure is best done after taking a bath.

Neglecting ear hygiene can cause a child discomfort and even infection. You need to take care of the cleanliness of the child's ears from early childhood, and then teach her to clean her ears.

  1. Take a shower every day

Tip: in the summer you need to take a shower twice a day.

People of all ages need to take a shower. This should be done in the morning, immediately after you wake up. In the warm season, teach your child to take a shower twice a day. For example, when a child returns home after training or playing outside, remind them to take a shower. Tell your child that the shower rejuvenates the skin and adds a feeling of freshness.

  1. Take care of your hair

Tip: Teach your child to comb their hair properly.

Children need to be able to take care of their hair. The scalp and hair become dirty when traveling or playing outside. Therefore, hair should be washed at least once every 2-3 days. This will help prevent lice, dandruff and hair loss. Use a massage comb to comb your baby. It improves blood circulation in the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

  1. Cut your nails

Tip: Explain to your child that harmful bacteria can accumulate under the nails.

Children often have a habit of taking their fingers to their mouths. Therefore, it is important that their nails are clean and well-groomed. When your baby is a little older, you can teach her how to cut her nails properly. Explain to her that microbes accumulate under dirty nails, which can enter the body through scratches or mouth. Because of this, the child may become ill.

By the time your child goes to school, you need to teach them to take care of their health. In addition, she must develop a few more useful habits

  1. Say "please", "thank you" and "sorry"

Tip: Use these words as often as possible in the presence of a child.

Teach your child the "magic" words - "please", "thank you" and "sorry". This will help her find solutions to many problems. If the child communicates politely with others, he will enjoy general respect.

Use these words in communication with the child - and in time he will begin to use them.

You can teach your child discipline. But whether a child will follow it depends on what example you set for her in everyday life. Show her the right way and support her no matter what.